Jim Welch

Director of Solutions Engineering

Be it misleading licensing policies, deceiving pricing methods or changing business needs, the reason for contemplating mapping platform migration can be many. But the unique complexities that come with it can be intimidating for enterprises.

It doesn’t have to be.

There are ways — tools and vendors — that can simplify the process.

Jim Welch, NextBillion.ai’s Director of Solutions Engineering will help you understand how to migrate from mapping platforms like Google and Mapbox and gain competitive advantage with more customization, savings and control. He’ll walk you through a number of interactive examples to demonstrate how easy it is to make the switch to NextBillion.ai.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • The limitations of platforms like Google Maps and Mapbox
  • How to switch from MapboxGL Map Tiles to MapLibreGL/NextBillion.ai
  • The easy method to migrate from Google Maps Directions API to NextBillion.ai
  • How to switch from Mapbox Distance Matrix API to NextBillion.ai
  • Real-world examples with live coding and demo

Watch Now

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