Ajay Bulusu

Co-Founder, NextBillion.ai

Gaurav Bubna

Co-Founder, NextBillion.ai

Nate Smith

Head of Product,
Cartography, Gojek

Germayne Ng

Lead Data Scientist, Gojek

Inaccurate ETAs negatively impact the on-demand ride and delivery businesses. It heavily affects customer experience, driver experience, and operational performance.

In this panel discussion, location-tech leaders from NextBillion.ai and Gojek discuss the importance of ETAs. They also deep-dive into the role of maps in ride-hailing, mobility, food delivery, and grocery industries.

Watch it now to learn:

  • Why accurate ETAs matter
  • How to get arrival times in this complex location-first world
  • How to tackle routing and navigation challenges faced by mobility-driven businesses

Watch Now

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