Devin de Vries


Sanjay Kumar

Geospatial World

Tara Cordyack

Director of Sales,

Mobility-driven businesses are discovering that the rules of the game have changed drastically in the post-pandemic world. Be it consumer preferences, technology, business models or dominant markets, there’s a paradigm shift.

In the rapidly evolving mobility landscape, emerging markets are driving growth and transformation. Hyperlocal economy has emerged as the new business model. And location data is relevant like never before.

Guests Devin de Vries, CEO of WhereIsMyTransport and Sanjay Kumar, CEO, Geospatial World, along with host Tara Cordyack, Director of Sales – The Americas, will explore this evolution in depth.

In this webinar, you will learn about:

  • What are the key trends shaping global mobility and hyperlocal economy
  • What drives mapping initiatives in the emerging markets
  • Why are emerging markets the world’s growth engines
  • The role of location data in the evolution of global mobility ecosystems
  • What should mobility-driven businesses focus on

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