Yvan Montalieu

Head of Solutions Engineering,
EMEA and Asia

Running and managing logistics operations in a dense, crowded city can be extremely challenging!

On a daily basis, logistic teams have multiple variables to contribute when planning for the efficient delivery – such as managing demand during peak traffic hours, optimizing distance and route computations, and factoring in historical and real-time traffic.

However,  in most real-world scenarios, reducing delays and streamlining deliveries is easier said than done!

So how can businesses mitigate these challenges on a daily basis? Dynamic geofencing has emerged as one exciting solution that’s poised to simplify many aspects of logistics operations.

We’re excited to introduce Yvan Montalieu, Head of Solution Engineering, who will cover both geofencing, and dynamic geofences, as mapping platform capabilities that cater to multiple use cases, and how you can incorporate geofencing capabilities into your logistics operations.

In this webinar, you will learn about

  • An overview of geofencing and dynamic geofencing
  • How dynamic geofencing can effectively cater to two types of use cases:
    • Food delivery operations
    • Taxi (Ride-hailing)
  • Demonstrate the possible use cases and industries that dynamic geofencing can be extended to.

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